Agri World Time


Every year, on October 16th, the world comes together to celebrate World Food Day. This day is not just a reminder of the importance of food in our lives, but also a platform to address global food security issues and promote sustainable agricultural practices. With the theme for this year being “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind,” the focus is on the vital role of water in ensuring food security for all.

A Brief History of World Food Day:

World Food Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945. It marks the anniversary of the founding of FAO and aims to raise awareness about hunger and malnutrition while advocating for policies to address these issues. Over the years, it has evolved into a global movement that encourages individuals, communities, and governments to take action against hunger.

The Hungarian delegation initially introduced the concept of commemorating World Food Day during the 20th Session of the FAO Conference in November 1979. Following its acceptance by the Conference, the inaugural World Food Day was established on October 16, 1981. This annual occasion has since been embraced by more than 150 nations, shedding light on the global challenges of poverty and hunger.

Water: The Essence of Life and Food:

This year’s theme, “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind,” underscores the crucial role that water plays in food production and the overall well-being of our planet. Water is not only necessary for the growth of crops and livestock but also for the processing, distribution, and preparation of food. However, water scarcity remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world. According to WHO, 1 in 3 people worldwide does not have access to safe drinking water. Similarly, Our World in Data website 1 in 10 people suffers from chronic undernourishment.

The Interplay Between Water and Food Security:

The interdependence of water and food security cannot be overstated. Agriculture accounts for about 70% of global freshwater withdrawals. Efficient water management in agriculture is essential to ensure a sustainable food supply. Irrigation systems, drought-resistant crops, and responsible water usage are crucial in safeguarding food production, especially in regions prone to water scarcity.

Leave No One Behind: Tackling Food Inequality:

The theme “Leave no one behind” is a call to action to ensure that everyone has access to nutritious and sufficient food. Despite significant advancements in food production, a staggering number of people still go to bed hungry each night. Food inequality is a complex issue, often exacerbated by social, economic, and political factors. By addressing water scarcity and promoting sustainable agricultural practices, we take a step closer to achieving the goal of leaving no one behind in the fight against hunger.

Taking Action: What Can We Do?

Raise Awareness:

Share information about World Food Day and its theme on social media platforms. Use the power of your voice to spread the message about the importance of water in food security.

Support Local Farmers:

Purchase locally-grown produce to support sustainable agriculture practices in your community. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances.

Reduce Food Waste:

A significant amount of water goes into producing the food that is eventually wasted. By reducing food waste, we indirectly conserve water resources.

Advocate for Change:

Engage with policymakers to advocate for sustainable water management and agricultural policies. Encourage investments in irrigation systems and drought-resistant crop research.


Teach younger generations about the importance of water conservation and responsible food consumption. Instill values that promote sustainability and compassion.


 World Food Day 2023’s theme “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind” resonates deeply with the challenges we face in achieving global food security. By recognizing the essential role of water in food production and advocating for equitable access to both water and food, we pave the way for a more sustainable and nourished future for all. As we commemorate this day, let us come together to take meaningful actions that contribute to a world where no one is left behind in the journey towards eradicating hunger and ensuring a bountiful food supply.


When is World Food Day 2023?

A: World Food Day 2023 falls on October 16th, which is a Monday. This annual observance aims to raise awareness about global hunger, food security, and sustainable agriculture.

Why is water important for food production?

Water is essential for the growth of crops and livestock. It is used for irrigation, processing, distribution, and preparation of food. Without sufficient water, agricultural productivity would decline, leading to food shortages and higher prices.

How does water scarcity affect food security?

Water scarcity can lead to reduced crop yields, livestock losses, and decreased food production. It can also result in increased competition for water resources, which can exacerbate social and political tensions in regions already struggling with food security issues.

What is the significance of the “Leave no one behind” message?

The “Leave no one behind” message emphasizes the importance of ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious and sufficient food. It acknowledges the existing inequalities in access to food and water and calls for collective efforts to address these disparities.

How does agriculture contribute to water consumption?

Agriculture is a significant consumer of water, accounting for about 70% of global freshwater withdrawals. Efficient water management in agriculture is crucial to balance water resources for various needs and ensure sustainable food production.

What are some ways to address water scarcity in agriculture?

Implementing efficient irrigation systems, using drought-resistant crop varieties, and adopting sustainable farming practices can help mitigate water scarcity in agriculture. Techniques like rainwater harvesting and precision irrigation can also make a significant difference.

How can I get involved in World Food Day activities?

You can participate in events organized by local community groups, schools, NGOs, or government agencies. Sharing information on social media, organizing awareness campaigns, volunteering, and attending virtual or in-person events are all ways to get involved.

What role does the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) play in World Food Day?

The FAO is the United Nations agency responsible for coordinating and promoting international efforts to eradicate hunger, improve agricultural practices, and ensure food security. FAO plays a pivotal role in organizing World Food Day events and advocating for global food security.


  1. To highlight the importance of water regarding food is excellent Gujjar sahb and also show the importance of water in the world. So should use water efficiently for agriculture as well as for domestic purposes👏


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